Arts for Differently Abled

This NGO established in 1997 has been providing arts and crafts training, besides teachings through a well-established detailed curriculum in Intellectual Disability, to persons with disability for over 20 years. They aim to use arts as a therapeutic tool to foster basic livelihood skills, personality and skill development and enhancement of their physical and mental capabilities. Imagine the plight of a child who understands everything – emotions, love, appreciation and attention but is not able to express it. Two instances that particularly moved us through our visits – 1. The sight of a mother who could see her child in immense pain through some sessions but was completely unable to express it and just lay on the ground screaming for hours 2. A young adult who had been put on a chair with a hole to pass his daily stool kept calling out for someone to clean him, crying in his incapable state, but unfortunately the poor mother who had in numerous tasks at hand had to just keep him waiting.

Knowing very well that children are wired to learn and adapt faster than most adults, this project provides training to young differently abled children in multiple art forms, like craft, painting, dance, and music, and multiple sports activities. They also encourage the participation of the children in various state and national-level cultural activities, organized by different institutions. Many students have even achieved remarkable success at District, state, national and international levels. This project is working with 21 disabilities, most of which include autism, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, etc

People might raise questions about the efficacy of using arts and music as a therapeutic tool, but it really has proven to be one of the best avenues of creative expression and mental development. Most of the children with special needs struggle with expression and self-awareness. ART and creativity helps them gain self-expression, self-awareness, learning, and personal development, as well as improve contact, communication, and interaction with other people. It also reduces stress, addresses past traumas, and improves problem-solving and analytical skills. This project is truly uplifting the quality of life of people with disability through their innovative arts and crafts therapy.