Creating a world full of Joy

U.P- Recorded as the country’s largest but poorest State with the lowest literacy rate but the highest number of child laborers earning less than 500/ month. Result: No schooling, early marriages and pregnancies, physical, sexual & drug abuse, mental health issues, child labour, violence, and so on.

Now imagine this place with every child being full of laughter, progress, and happiness. For some, it’s more than just a vision. This Lucknow-based organisation stands out as a ray of hope for the extremely underprivileged children living in the slums of India, with no access to even the basics of education. The organization builds ‘Safe Rooms’, providing good quality education and awareness, within each low-income community, solving common issues of distance, societal taboos, and financial burden in sending kids to school. Its pioneer program(currently running in 19 slum locations) is transforming the lives of thousands of such underprivileged children by taking education, emotional, and physical wellness to their doorsteps. Will already over 5000 current direct beneficiaries, their goal is to reach out to more of these children and give them the access they deserve, through meaningful content and teaching methodologies.

With an additional focus on reducing abuse, early marriages, and child labour, the program provides these children with an improved quality of life and an empowered future through the right kind of awareness and education. In fact, the program has succeeded in much more than that -95% enrolment in formal schools, internships, and placements, 90% attendance rates, transformative classes covering everything from SEPET (Socio-Emotional Physical Ethical) to STEEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Expressions, Arts, and Mathematics) and aspects like parent counseling, etiquettes, gender equality, nutrition and so on – making each of their beneficiaries well-rounded confident and educated human beings, independent financially, physically and mentally.