Frequently Asked Questions

Anyone – Indian or foreign national – willing to donate to a unique high-impact social cause that is listed on the LIC platform. We have a mix of FCRA & non-FCRA approved projects allowing you to choose between causes based on where you are contributing from.

Simply fill in the Donor Registration Form listed on our website and we will arrange a call back, handholding you through the process. Or e-mail us at contact@letitcount.com.
We work with corporates with a CSR liability right from Day 1. We develop an in-depth CSR strategy for the year that aligns with your core business objectives. From identifying projects that maximise social impact across the country, conducting social audits to verify their authenticity and impact, budget allocations, monitoring, fund utilisation checks and brand building – we leave no stone unturned to ensure each rupee of your CSR is put to its best use. Our team of experts abreast with the latest trends and changes in the CSR compliance laws ensure your annual CSR filings and regulatory compliances are all up to date.

Unlike most other fund-raising platforms, we conduct a very in-depth Due Diligence and verification of each projects/organisations before empanelling them with us. This is done by a team of high-level evaluators specialising in this field for 25+ years. Moreover, advisory services, site visits, detailed expense verification, budget preparations and detailed know-how of each empanelled project allows only genuine and authentic programs to be listed on our platform.

And we don’t stop there – Post donation, we provide you a periodic fund utilisation monitoring report to know exactly how your money is being used and the impact it’s creating.

Though there is no set amount of minimum donation, being a boutique firm giving in-depth verification and reporting services, we do intend to minimise the number of donors per project. Hence, we are happier with donations of a larger ticket size to ensure a lesser donor spread and better reporting management.

We take pride in how transparent we are right from our first meetings both with the social-cause organisation and the donors. We charge absolutely NO (zero) fees from the NGO/ social cause and a very minimal one from the donors, that may vary slightly depending on the quantum of support and the time taken for the Due-Diligence process. Trust us, it’s much lower than almost all other platforms, INSPITE of the depth in which we conduct the whole verification to monitoring process.
Every organisation onboard has undergone an in-depth verification process (that takes days) before empanelment. Moreover, our post-donation and fund utilisation reports ensures you know exactly how your money is being used. We understand the worth of your hard-earned money and make sure it is being used to its best capacity.
Our team carefully determines key benchmarks for fund utilization, monitoring and progress. We also conduct base-line end-line surveys where necessary and provide periodic (mostly quarterly) reports to the donor as well as the advisory board about progress made on each initiative. You may also visit the program funded by you and see first-hand how your contribution is changing lives.
Yes, Indian citizens are eligible to receive an 80G tax exemption certificate once you have provided all the government required details. Section 80G of the Income Tax Act provides for a deduction for donations made to certain charitable institutions or funds (all those on Let It Count platform have valid 80G certifications). The deduction is available to individuals as well as companies and can be claimed on the amount donated to eligible institutions or funds.

Your contribution needs to make YOU happy, so please go ahead and make that donation.
However, we would like to share how projects on Let It Count may differ:

  • (a) All our projects are unique, sustainable, scalable and have a life changing impact on the lives they touch
  • (b) Each project onboarded, works on the root cause and at a grassroot level with a clear strategy and impact measurement.
  • (c) All our projects are genuine and verified in-depth from all aspects of Finance, Legal, Strategy, Impact and so on which one may not otherwise do for organizations identified directly.
  • (d) And lastly, our philosophy of ‘Teach a man how to fish, rather than giving him a fish’ ensure each project makes a lasting impact, uplifting our county at large.
Yes, anyone across the globe can contribute via LIC. We have a number of projects that have a valid FCRA certification allowing receipts of foreign funds – you may contribute to any of these projects/organisations in the specified bank account that allows receipts of foreign funds. Please write to us in-case of any clarifications.

Through our funding facilitation, we identify innovative thinkers, individuals and organizations that are working on unique social cause projects. We carefully analyze their impact, long-term plan & strategies, knowing that lasting social change needs tremendous and consistent effort.

Our program teams work on each proposed initiative after a detailed application analysis. A detailed due-diligence, including site visits is conducted by our team of experts with numerous years of experience in this field, before any project is empaneled on Let It Count. In addition, we consult with social sector experts, practitioners, budget & policy makers wherever required to ensure that each donors contribution is put to its best possible use.

All this while our Donation team works relentlessly identifying, planning, meeting and pursuing donors across the globe to fund our projects ensuring the best match of interest. And then !!…We are all set to facilitate grants from interested donors to the projects empaneled with us.

Let It Count is open to all social causes or NGOs in India that are unique, have a high social impact and are sustainable. Project will undergo a strict verification and evaluation process before being eligible to raise funds through the Let It Count Platform. Rejection will be at the sole discretion of LIC and their guidelines.

Recipients must also meet the following requirements:

  • All individuals raising funds must be 18 years of age or older
  • If raising funds as an individual, you must be a resident of the country where you launch your project.
  • The individual raising funds or setting up the project on another entity’s behalf must be an owner or executive of the entity, and have authorization to represent it.
  • The individual or entity raising funds must have a verified bank account located in the same country as the project, owned by and in his name.
  • All information entered in the application forms must be authentic and true
  • Please refer to the ‘How it Works’ section to understand our selection process