Girl Empowerment

Adolescent girls (11-19 years) rarely find space or opportunity to assert their opinions or make decisions. In an urban scenario, though they seem to have access to resources, education, and technology, in reality, have little say in almost any issue that even directly impacts them. Low income, unsupportive parents, gender disparity, lack of affordable educational opportunities, and health & nutrition issues are some of the common developmental hurdles for these young women.

This age has also been identified as when girls undergo exponential physical, emotional, and aspiration changes. This project closely works on the ground and enables young girls to take charge of their lives and emerge as future leaders for their community, challenging gender-based discrimination and stereotypes. This is done through various well-researched measures – education and transition into higher classes, opportunities to develop their potential, linkages with different stakeholders, practical experiences and all other support they need to hone their confidence, knowledge, aspirations, emotional stability, leadership and decision-making skills. This project also creates an amiable environment conducive tto realizing their rightsbesides engaging extensively with all support members – male siblings, parents, schools, community stakeholders, and all service providers including the government.

With a presence in more than 50 slums in U.P., the foundation has currently been focusing and doing phenomenal result-based work with girls in 12 slum clusters. The idea is to empower young girls – make them understand their potential, provide safe spaces for them to thrive and eventually make them confident self-reliant individuals.