Menstrual Hygiene

In India, menstrual hygiene management remains a critical issue, particularly in rural areas and economically disadvantaged communities. The reliance on disposable pads has significant health and environmental implications including Urinary tract infections, recurrent rashes and chronic reproductive issues. 23 million Girls drop out of school annually due to inadequate menstrual hygiene facilities, the high cost of sanitary products, stigma and lack of awareness.

Project Devi breaks this silence and discomfort attached to bleeding by initiating open and reliable conversations amongst every section of society. It empowers them with access to the right menstrual hygiene products through the launch of its new product – A REUSABLE sanitary pad which is cost efficient, made up of 100% organic absorbent layers preventing leakage and irritation and on par with industry standards.

Moreover, the first production and manufacturing unit employs over 1000 women from marginalized communities, empowering them to be financially independent and self-reliant.

With an immediate aim of impacting 1 million menstruators in India, this project is drifting aggressively across various states of Tamil Nadu, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, and Delhi – consistently saving women from indignity, embarrassment, and infections.

Envisions freeing users, impacting the environment, and breaking the vicious cycle of health hazards by using disposable pads, Project Devi works at the intersection of sustainability and health and envisions providing environment-friendly and economical menstruation solutions.