Sanitation and Hygiene

There are around 355 million menstruating women and girls in India. One woman generates up to 125kg of non-biodegradable waste in her menstruating years alone. According to the data of the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation (MDWS), 12 billion pads are being disposed every year. The paucity of disposal and treatment options for used non-biodegradable sanitary napkins has led to heaps and mountains of menstrual waste making hundreds become susceptible to various diseases who live close to it.

More importantly, Commercially manufactured napkins contain Cancerous chemicals like styrene, acetone, chloromethane, SAPs, etc making thousands of women susceptible to several RTIs. Reusable products are a sustainable solution to the problem of menstrual waste and a better alternative for the good health of both Women and the Environment.

With a goal to achieve a society where menstruation is not a taboo for women and girls and they have all requirements to practice menstrual hygiene in an eco-friendly manner, this program has introduced the usage of Menstrual Cups targeting 11000+ beneficiaries across 50 Panchayat Blocks on Uttar Pradesh, in their pilot program. The program, extremely replicable PAN India, works closely building capacity and training Government and other front-line workers on this sensitive issue and the cup adaptation.

The organization has been successfully working for over 27 years at the grassroots levels tackling issues of female feticide, women’s rights, gender balance, education and menstrual hygiene management, making them a pioneer, in addressing such issues, in the state. Their impact evaluation and reporting studies make them stand apart ensuring that each program is always on the right track. Moreover, they have been supported by some of the most well-known organizations like UNICEF, Azim Premji Foundation and many more for their exceptional transformational work.