Self Defence

Dedicated to empowering adolescent girls in India, both physically & mentally, through self-defense and strength building on one side and advocacy on fundamental rights, assertiveness and gender-based violence, on the other – this unique organization has made a significant impact in Mumbai through its flagship ‘Self-Defense’ program.

According to a 2018 study by the National Crime Records Bureau, India, 1 in 3 girls in India experiences some form of sexual violence before the age of 18. And only 1 in 10 of these, report it to the police/authorities. Recognizing the urgent need for action, this program focuses on consistent self-defense training through two models – online and in-school, imparting valuable techniques and skills to protect themselves from physical, emotional and sexual violence.

The program uses martial arts and physical fitness as a means to discover inner potential and voice in a socio-reality set-up and not just a classroom/home boosting confidence, strength and self-esteem among the girls.

The impact of this program is evident in the lives of the girls it has influenced. Participants report feeling more confident, acknowledged, emotionally capable to react, and less fearful of the violence that they face. The organization’s initiatives have also contributed to improved academic performance and a greater likelihood of remaining in school.

Additionally, the organization continues to innovate and adapt to the digital age through its conversational chatbot powered by a friendly mascot, designed specifically for girls aged 11-14. Through its interactive virtual approach, girls can train at their own pace, anytime and anywhere. The gamified nature of the program adds an element of fun and engagement, while its availability in multiple languages ensures accessibility for all.

With the blanket of ‘women empowerment’ blinding the reality of living as a woman in India, the program strives to make young girl resilient, physically & mentally, so no one treats them as ‘their’ commodity.