Tribal Upliftment

This NGO works denotified tribes and Adivasi communities since 1997. The project’s core agenda is to empower children from these tribes to attain higher education since very few children can reach the higher standards with usually no girls in the group. This is because the normal schools are usually inaccessible to these communities or are blaring with racial, religious, or caste-based discriminatory practices. Tribal children being made to clean classrooms and washrooms, being made to sit on floors in the back or not being included in group activities, being abused, beaten, and harled at, both by “higher caste” classmates or more often than not, by the police, were some of the common practices we came across.

This project’s core philosophy is to make positive interventions with a 12-year life cycle process approach. This long-term association with the community makes sure that the children are honed with commitment towards equality, equity, and justice, assuring a sustainable way of living with dignity. The Basti school enrols 150 students as of now and the Basti libraries have a traction of 1000 students.

This project believes in catering to the specific needs of the community by crafting a tribal-led multilingual pedagogy, as intellect is not defined by language. The project also brings forward creative expression that reflects the experiences, lives, and histories of people of these communities. Using contemporary means and technology, in text, video, audio other forms of documentation, is a way to bring their voices and their learnings into the mainstream. Encouraging movement therapy, counseling support, ceramics, permaculture, arts, and expression as core elements in the curriculum, provides for holistic development. Several children, who would not be able to study from home, stay at the residential campus to pursue education, which has no harsh boundaries as parents can visit any time, to not dislocate the child from the family.

The project helps the tribal children to pursue the 10th and 12th matriculation from a mainstream school and appear in open school examinations. This project ensure that these children are the torch bearers for the upliftment of the community and the future generations. These handful of children can change the present narrative of tribals being seen as unworthy and subjected to torture in their own motherland.